Payments to the WMC account

All payments, other than for membership, should be made to the club’s general business account.

Wessex Mountaineering Club,  TSB Bank

Sort Code 30-94-90,  Account Number 00223624

To ensure that you are given proper credit for the money you pay,  PLEASE send the treasurer an email with the following information

What amount you’ve paid

When you’ve paid it

What meet/event is it for

Who are the people that the payment is for.

Also include a bank reference of your name and an indication of the meet (e.g. Smith Xmas).  If you are a non-member then please also include your address in the email (e.g. for any documents to be sent to you).

Note that a separate bank account is used solely for membership payments.  When you join/renew your membership, you will be directed to use that other account and an email sent automatically to the treasurer provided you click the ‘payment sent’ button.