Hut Maintenance

Most of the work needed on the hut is done by members. The main exception being gas work which requires a qualified person.

This enables the price to stay at the hut to be kept low, it is also fun, and helps promote a sense of ownership by club members.

Working Weekends

Much of the work is done at two ‘working weekends’ each year in the spring and autumn (see the meet list for dates).  These are sociable weekends, with a meal on Saturday night.

The regular tasks include stocking up with gas and fire wood, but there are always other maintenance or improvements to be done.

Ad-Hoc Support

If you are a hut user, but can’t make the working weekends you can still help. There are always smaller tasks you can do to help whether you have a spare hour, or a wet day to fill. It’s best to contact the Hut Sectary by email to check what you can do to help.


Gas Safety Certificate 2024 - 2025 GASSAFE278.pdf

PYC maintenance record 24-11-2024.pdf

Water Saftey Certificate 210922.pdf