Membership Payment

Personal Data

When paying membership we first ask you to update your consent to store your personal data.

Also make sure this information is up to date, by checking under your profile in the members area.


The cost of the membership for Not logged in is £0

This is the **Error must be logged in** subscription until 1st Jan 2026.

There are three options for payment as below:

    • By bank transfer
      Easy and free so our preferred option.

      Sort Code 30-94-90  Account Number 14879460
      Please provide a reference of ‘Surname Firstname’
      Click on the button “Bank Transfer Done” which alerts us that payment is on the way

    • By cheque payable to ‘Wessex Mountaineering Club’.
      This requires a visit to the bank so creates more work.

      Please send this to:
      Chris Cumming (WMC)
      17 Monkworthy Drive, Ashley Heath, Ringwood, Hants, BH24 2JJ
      Click on the button “Cheque Posted” which alerts us that payment is on the way.

    • By Paypal (including credit cards)
      This is provided mainly for new members to pay quickly. We are charged over £1 to receive your payment, so please switch to bank transfer in future.

      Click on the “Buy Now” button to take you to the Paypal page to make payment

If you have any queries about payment then please contact the treasurer Chris at

The membership fees include the BMC capitation.  If you also pay this by direct membership or via other clubs, please pay your full WMC membership fee and contact the BMC to reclaim any overpaid BMC capitation.